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Publications & Research
- Pereira, S., Garg, D. & Branford, D. (2011) 2nd edition revision of Rapid Tranquillisation of the acutely disturbed patient. Royal College of Psychiatrists, CPD Programme.
- Chaudhry, K. & Pereira, S. (2009) A Comparison of NHS and private psychiatric intensive care units: Unit and patient characteristics, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (5) 1, Jun 2009, pp5-13
- Chaudhry, K. & Pereira, S. (2009) A Comparison of NHS and private low secure units: Unit and patient characteristics, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (5) 1, Jun 2009, pp15-23.
- Pratt, P, Chandler-Oatts, J, Pereira, S et al. (2008) Establishing gold standard approaches to rapid tranquillisation: A review and discussion of the evidence on the safety and efficacy of medications currently used, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (4) 1, Jun pp 43-57.
- Pereira, S. & Woollaston, K. (2007) Therapeutic Engagement in acute psychiatric inpatient services, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (3) 1, June pp 3-11
- Pereira, S., Fleischhacker, W. & Allen, M. (2006) Management of behavioural emergencies, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care Vol (2) 2, Dec, pp71-83.
- Pereira, S. & Dalton, D (2006). Integration and specialism: complementary not contradictory, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (2) 1, June pp 1-5
- Pereira, S, Dawson, P (2006) National survey of PICU: 1. Patient characteristics" Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (2) 1, June, pp 7-12 .
- Pereira, S, Dawson, P & Sarsam, M. (2006) National survey of PICU: 2. Unit characteristics Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care Vol (2) 1, June, pp13-19.
Publications & Research
- Dix, R. Pereira, S. M. Chaudhry, et al (2005). A PICU/LSU Environment Assessment Inventory, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (1) 2, Dec 2005, pp65-69
- Pereira, S, Chaudhry, K, Pietromartire et al. (2005) Design in Psychiatric intensive care units: problems and issues, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care Vol (1) 2, Dec, pp70-76.
- Dix, R, Pereira, S, Chaudhry, K, et al. (2005) A PICU/LSU environnent assessment inventory, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care Vol (1) 2, Dec, pp 65-69.
- Dawson., P., Kingsley, M., Pereira, S (2005) Violent patients within Psychaitric Intensive Care Units: treatment approaches, resistance and the impact upon staff, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (1) 1, Sept pp 45-53
- Dye, S., Johnston. A., & Pereira, S. (2005) The National Psychiatric Intensive Care Governance Network 2004-5. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (1) 2, Dec pp 97-105
- Pereira, S. M., Paton, C., Walker, L et al (2005) Treatment of acute behavioural disturbance: a UK national survey of Rapid Tranquillisation, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (1) 2, pp 84-88.
- Pereira, S, Sarsam, M, Paton, C Bhui, K (2005) The London Survey of Psychiatric Intensive Care Units: psychiatric intensive care; patient characteristics and pathways for admission and discharge, Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care, Vol (1) 1, pp 17-24.
- Pereira, S., Reynolds, T, Walker, L et al (2005) Safe and Supportive observation in practice: a clinical governance project, Mental Health Practice, v8 (8) May 2005, p13-16
Publications & Research
- Pereira, S, Sarsam, M, Paton, C Bhui, K (2004) The London survey of psychiatric intensive care and low secure units, Paper (i) service provision and operational characteristics of units. Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care.
- Clinton C. Pereira S. Mullins B. (2001) Training needs of psychiatric intensive care Nursing Standard. 15(34):33-6.
- Bhui K. Outhwaite J. Adzinku F. Dixon P. McGabhann L. Pereira S. Strathdee G. (2001) Implementing clinical practice guidelines on the management of imminent violence on two acute psychiatric in-patient units. Journal of Mental Health. Vol. 10(5)(pp 559-569).
- Pereira S. Beer D. Paton C. (1999) Enforcing treatment with clozapine: Survey of views and practice. Psychiatric Bulletin. Vol. 23(6)(pp 342-345)
- Pereira S. Beer D. Paton C. (1999) When all else fails. A locally devised structured decision process for enforcing clozapine therapy. Psychiatric Bulletin. Vol. 23(11)(pp 654-656)
- Pereira S. Beer MD. Paton C. (1999) Good practice issues in psychiatric intensive-care units. Findings from a national survey. Psychiatric Bulletin. Vol. 23(7)(pp 397-400).
- Pereira, S., Pinto, R. (1998) Neuroleptics, subjective perception and quality of life. [Letter] Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 98(2):166.
- Pereira S. Pinto R. (1997) A survey of the attitudes of chronic psychiatric patients living in the community toward their medication. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Vol. 95(6)(pp 464-468).
Publications & Research
- Rampes H. Pereira S. Mortimer A. Manoharan S. Knowles M. (1997) Does electro acupuncture reduce craving for alcohol? A randomised controlled study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Vol. 5(1)(pp 19-26).
- Beer MD. Paton C. Pereira S. (1997) Hot beds of general psychiatry. A national survey of psychiatric intensive care units. Psychiatric Bulletin. Vol. 21(3)(pp 142-144).
- Beer MD. Paton C. Pereira S. (1997) National Survey of Psychiatric intensive care units: The Author's reply Psychiatric Bulletin 1997:Vol21p516
- Pereira, S. et al (1995) Making sense of 'Possession States': Psychotherapy and Differential Diagnosis. British journal of Hospital Medicine Vol 53(11)
- Beer MD. Paton C. Pereira S. (1995) Interaction between staff of Psychiatric intensive Care Units. Psychiatric Bulletin, Vol 19 649-650
- Pereira S. Pinto R. (Oct. 1995) Patients attitudes towards depot medication. Published in Proceedings of World Congress of Social Psychiatry.
- Rampes H. Pereira S et al (1995). Role of electro acupuncture in craving in patients with alcohol dependence and abuse. A randomised single blind placebo controlled study. Journal of Complementary therapies in Medicine. Vol 11(2): 80-4.
Other Research
- Preferred route of neuroleptic medication. Pereira, S. Published in annual proceedings of the Royal College of Psychiatry Conference, July 1995.
- Pereira et al (1995) Making sense of `Possession States`: Psychotherapy and Differential Diagnosis. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, Vol. 53, No 11.
- Rampes, H & Pereira, S (1993) Role of Acupuncture in Alcohol Dependence and Abuse. A Review. Acupuncture in Medicine, November, Vol.11, No.2, pages 80 to 84.
- The Current State of Undergraduate Psychiatric Education. Invited to represent Indian Post-graduate students' viewpoint at National Educational Workshop of Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS), September 1988. Published in IPS Education Committee Proceedings 1989.
- Pereira, S (May 2002) The future of Psychiatry is getting Brighter. Focus on Psychiatry, Hospital Doctor pp 2-6.
- Pereira, S & Dix, R (2004). Review of Atypical Antipsychotic in Acute Disturbance Therapeutic Focus. Rogers Medical Intelligence Solutions.